Graphic Design

Boiler Room Creative was started as a graphic design studio. It’s who we are at our core and what the entire business was founded on. With over 20 years of experience with graphic design and illustration there’s no job too big, too small, too normal or too weird. We’ve seen it, we’ve done it and we can do it for you.

Spatial Design

The art of creating a space for human interaction. Connecting people to places through graphic design, fabrication, color, texture and themes. Experiential Design is one of the services we offer that has a very specific application. Not everyone visiting our site will need experiential design services but when you do need those types of services you’ll understand why it’s best to use an agency with our type of experience. When working with us you’ll have a team of Graphic Designers, Carpenters, Fabricators, Decorators, Set Designers and anyone else needed to help execute your specific project, program or product.

Carpentry / Fabrication

In the early days most of our large fabricated projects were outsourced or limited in scale. Now with our full fabrication shop and expanded knowledge of methods and materials we can handle any project you can dream up. The fabrication side of our business has made things extremely fun and interesting for us over the years. Taking a clients rough idea to the next level and exceeding expectations is what keeps us going every day. Feel free to contact us and ask about some of our craziest stories. It’s the funnest part of our job and we hope to have fun with you on your next project.